Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Special Premium Lots are small lots which are located along the roads. Premium Big Lots are also located along the roads. On the other hand,
Premium Small lots are those within a 2-meter radius on an embellishment i.e. walkways, lamp post, gazebo, etc. It is also located beside the Special
Premium small lots. Regular small and big lots are lots away from the road or any embellishment. Special Premium, Premium and Regular Lots also differ
in prices.
Lots may be purchased on Spot Cash. We also offer an Instalment Payment Term which requires a 20% Full Down Payment and the balance is payable in
either one, two, three or five years to pay with Monthly Amortizations. Level Monthly payments which is payable from one to five years to pay, is also
Payments for lot purchase and Monthly Installments may be made through:
- Direct payment to our Main Office. Official Receipts may be issued for Cash Payments only.
- Direct payment to our Cavite Sales Office. A Provisional Receipt will be issued to the client upon receipt of payment.
- Bank Deposit to the company’s Metrobank Account. Details of the account will be provided upon request.
Lawn Lots purchased on Spot Cash can be used immediately.
Should there be a need to use a Lawn Lot purchased on Instalment or Level Payment Terms, it has to be fully paid first and free of arrears
Bigger Lots, on the other hand, may be used upon completion of a twenty-percent (20%) payment. The balance may be settled within a maximum of one year
All payments made at the Cavite Sales Office are issued Provisional Receipts. Upon receipt and verification of the copy of the Provisional Receipts at the
Main Office, it will be issued an Official Receipt. Official Receipts are made available at the Cavite Sales Office within two (2) weeks.
If you purchased your lot on instalment or level basis, you will be covered by a Group Credit Life Insurance issued by Cocolife. The insurance is free of charge so long as there is no remiss in payments by the Lot Owner.
Upon death, Cocolife will conduct an investigation and if it warrants it, the outstanding balance of the lot will be paid by Cocolife.
All lot purchases are covered by a Purchase Agreement. It is clearly defined in the Purchase Agreement that payments should be regularly made on a
monthly basis. A purchaser will only be given thirty (30) days as Grace Period to complete all unpaid instalments and arrears prior to the lapsation of the
Purchase Agreement. Upon lapsation, the Purchase Agreement may be cancelled and considered null and void.
Yes, you may make amendments in your Purchase Agreement. Amendments may be the change of ownership, lot location, payment terms, etc. A
corresponding fee for processing and documentation will be charged to the Lot Owner accordingly.
Deeds of Sale are issued upon full payment of the lot purchased. It is processed at the Manila Main Office and would need a few weeks prior to release. But
lots can already be used even while waiting for the Deed of Sale.
Yes, all lots are assignable and transferable.
Assignable is defined as an act of the Lot Owner to have a deceased person, regardless of relationship and affinity, buried in the lot he has purchased.
Transferability is defined as an act of the Lot Owner to sell his lot to another person.
Yes, lots can be resold. However, the company does not entertain the resell of lots at this time.
If a Lot Owner wants to resell his lot, he will have to dispose it on his own and the company will just assist him for the documentations.
No. When you purchase a lot, you paid for a Memorial Park Care Fee (MPCF). The MPCF is a fund which is solely used for the preservation of grounds, walks, grass
areas, roads, gardens and embellishments. It is also used for the upkeep of equipment. It does not, however, include the maintenance of markers and mausoleums.
Upkeep of the interior part of Mausoleums is not included in the MPCF
Yes, we do have Promotional Programs for clients. The programs are revised every so often and may be imposed or cancelled by the management if necessary.